Indicadores de Produção

Symposium: Violence in Adults and the Elderly: To Investigate and Intervene


Otília Zangão, Isaura Serra, Maria Laurência Gemito, Felicia Pinheiro, Dulce Magalhães, Maria Fátima Marques, Felismina Mendes, Maria Antónia Chora, Catarina Pereira, Manuel Lopes


Symposium: Violence in Adults and the elderly: to investigate and intervene

Outros títulos

Prevalence of Violence in Adults
Social Representation of Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence in Perspective of Women Who Lived It
Integrated Intervention Network of District of Évora (RIIDE): A multidisciplinary response to violence
ESACA – Ageing Safely in Alentejo – Understanding for Action


Revista Atención Primaria, volume 48. SC., Setembro 2016. Número Especial: World Congress of Health Research


This symposium aims to address some studies on violence in adults, as well as address the job done in an intervention network in domestic violence and a project on the study of violence in the elderly, in Alentejo. Communications: – Prevalênce Of Violence In Adults– Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima – Social Representation Of Domestic Violence – Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima – Domestiv Violence In The Perspective Of Women Who Live It – Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima; Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares – Integrated Intervention Network Of District Of Évora (RIIDE): A multidisciplinary response to violence – Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Lopes, Manuel – ESACA – Ageing Safely in Alentejo – Understanding for Action – Mendes, Felismina; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Zangão, Maria Otilia; Chora, Maria Antónia; Pereira, Catarina Symposium goal(s): – To present studies on violence in Alentejo. – To discuss the importance of networks in the problem of violence. – To present Project underway on how to age with security in Alentejo. Symposium moderator(s): Maria Otília Brites Zangão Project affiliation:All three studies have resulted in an intervention project against domestic violence “Love me, love me not- Why does the violence exist and why does it not choose ages?” funded by POPH. ESACA Project – Aging Safely in Alentejo – Understanding to act, co-funded by: Alentejo 2020 Portugal 2020 and the European Union.


Violence, Prevalence, Domestic violence, Risk, Social representations, Health, Experience of abuse, Shelter, Community, Networking, Education, Aging the elderly, Prevention